Access 1000s Of Your Best Fit Clients In Just One Click

Where Professional Service Companies Find Their Future Customers

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15+ Data Sources

By tapping into 15+ different data sources, we compile lists that don’t stop at firmographics but extend to detailed contact information, technographics, recent hires, and much more, providing data that are actionable and paint a full picture.

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15+ Data Sources

By tapping into 15+ different data sources, we compile lists that don’t stop at firmographics but extend to detailed contact information, technographics, recent hires, and much more, providing data that are actionable and paint a full picture.

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Pre-Built Lists

Our monthly updated ready-to-use lists save you time and money by eliminating the need for manual research and expensive custom solutions. And by previewing our data you can ensure it meets your needs before you make a purchase decision.

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Data Compliant

All the data we collect is publicly available through sources such as news outlets, established databases, social media networks, and company web pages, ensuring compliance with GDPR, PECR, and DPA regulations.

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Welcome to Growth Intros. By using our services, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions:

Scope of Services: We provide ready-made prospect lists to help businesses and individuals connect with their target audience.

Client Obligations: Clients are responsible for providing accurate and up-to-date information about their target audience, campaign goals, and any other relevant information. Clients must also comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to data usage and marketing.

Fees and Payments: Our fees for prospect lists are based on the size and specificity of the list. We require payment upfront before delivering any prospect list. Payments can be made via bank transfer or credit card.

Refunds and Cancellations: Refunds and cancellations are subject to our discretion. In the event that a client cancels an order before delivery, we reserve the right to charge a cancellation fee.

Confidentiality: We understand the importance of confidentiality. We will not disclose any confidential information about our clients or their target audience to any third party without prior written consent.

Intellectual Property: Clients retain ownership of all intellectual property related to their business. We do not claim any ownership or rights to any content provided by the client or any data included in the prospect lists.

Liability: We will not be liable for any damages or losses arising from the use of our prospect lists, including but not limited to, lost profits, business interruption, or data loss. Our liability will be limited to the fees paid by the client for the services rendered.

Termination: We reserve the right to terminate our services at any time if the client breaches any of these terms and conditions.

Governing Law: These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the United Kingdom.

Amendments: We reserve the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. It is the client's responsibility to regularly review the terms and conditions to ensure compliance.

By using our prospect list services, you acknowledge that you have read and understood these terms and conditions and agree to be bound by them.